Best HVAC SchoolsHVAC

HVAC Maintenance Schools in the South

In 2024, we rated 298 schools offering HVAC and refrigeration maintenance and repair majors in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Our team ranks Arkansas Tech University (Russellville, AR), Tidewater Tech Trades (Norfolk, VA), and NUC University (Bayamon, PR) the best three HVAC maintenance schools in the South.

See the best 50 HVAC maintenance schools in the South below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the South.

Top 50 HVAC maintenance schools in the South:

Arkansas Tech University - HVAC School Ranking
1. Arkansas Tech University

Russellville, AR, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Tidewater Tech Trades - HVAC School Ranking
2. Tidewater Tech Trades

Norfolk, VA, 1 HVAC maintenance program

NUC University - HVAC School Ranking
3. NUC University

Bayamon, PR, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Universidad Ana G. Mendez Gurabo - HVAC School Ranking
4. Universidad Ana G. Mendez Gurabo

Gurabo, PR, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Remington College Dallas - HVAC School Ranking
5. Remington College Dallas

Dallas, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Carver Career Center - HVAC School Ranking
6. Carver Career Center

Charleston, WV, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Brazosport College - HVAC School Ranking
7. Brazosport College

Lake Jackson, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Miami Dade College - HVAC School Ranking
8. Miami Dade College

Miami, FL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Florida State College at Jacksonville - HVAC School Ranking
9. Florida State College

Jacksonville, FL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Indian River State College - HVAC School Ranking
10. Indian River State College

Fort Pierce, FL, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Del Mar College - HVAC School Ranking
11. Del Mar College

Corpus Christi, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Northern Virginia Community College - HVAC School Ranking
12. Northern Virginia Community College

Annandale, VA, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Delaware Technical Community College Terry - HVAC School Ranking
13. Delaware Technical Community College Terry

Dover, DE, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Santa Fe College - HVAC School Ranking
14. Santa Fe College

Gainesville, FL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Pensacola State College - HVAC School Ranking
15. Pensacola State College

Pensacola, FL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Advanced Technology Institute - HVAC School Ranking
16. Advanced Technology Institute

Virginia Beach, VA, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Northeast State Community College - HVAC School Ranking
17. Northeast State Community College

Blountville, TN, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Interactive College of Technology Chamblee - HVAC School Ranking
18. Interactive College of Technology Chamblee

Chamblee, GA, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Lone Star College System - HVAC School Ranking
19. Lone Star College System

The Woodlands, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

San Jacinto Community College - HVAC School Ranking
20. San Jacinto Community College

Pasadena, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Dallas College - HVAC School Ranking
21. Dallas College

Dallas, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Arkansas State University Newport - HVAC School Ranking
22. Arkansas State University Newport

Newport, AR, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Palm Beach State College - HVAC School Ranking
23. Palm Beach State College

Lake Worth, FL, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

George C Wallace State Community College Hanceville - HVAC School Ranking
24. George C Wallace State Community College Hanceville

Hanceville, AL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Daytona State College - HVAC School Ranking
25. Daytona State College

Daytona Beach, FL, 1 HVAC maintenance program

University of Arkansas Community College Morrilton - HVAC School Ranking
26. University of Arkansas Community College Morrilton

Morrilton, AR, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology - HVAC School Ranking
27. Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology

Okmulgee, OK, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Rowan Cabarrus Community College - HVAC School Ranking
28. Rowan Cabarrus Community College

Salisbury, NC, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Robeson Community College - HVAC School Ranking
29. Robeson Community College

Lumberton, NC, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Galveston College - HVAC School Ranking
30. Galveston College

Galveston, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Central Piedmont Community College - HVAC School Ranking
31. Central Piedmont Community College

Charlotte, NC, 1 HVAC maintenance program

North Central Texas College - HVAC School Ranking
32. North Central Texas College

Gainesville, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College - HVAC School Ranking
33. Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College

Bowling Green, KY, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Wake Technical Community College - HVAC School Ranking
34. Wake Technical Community College

Raleigh, NC, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

El Paso Community College - HVAC School Ranking
35. El Paso Community College

El Paso, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Danville Community College - HVAC School Ranking
36. Danville Community College

Danville, VA, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Guilford Technical Community College - HVAC School Ranking
37. Guilford Technical Community College

Jamestown, NC, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College - HVAC School Ranking
38. Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Perkinston, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Jones County Junior College - HVAC School Ranking
39. Jones County Junior College

Ellisville, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Florence Darlington Technical College - HVAC School Ranking
40. Florence Darlington Technical College

Florence, SC, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Itawamba Community College - HVAC School Ranking
41. Itawamba Community College

Fulton, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Houston Community College - HVAC School Ranking
42. Houston Community College

Houston, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Paris Junior College - HVAC School Ranking
43. Paris Junior College

Paris, TX, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Savannah Technical College - HVAC School Ranking
44. Savannah Technical College

Savannah, GA, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Northeast Mississippi Community College - HVAC School Ranking
45. Northeast Mississippi Community College

Booneville, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Tidewater Community College - HVAC School Ranking
46. Tidewater Community College

Norfolk, VA, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

ITI Technical College - HVAC School Ranking
47. ITI Technical College

Baton Rouge, LA, 1 HVAC maintenance program

Copiah Lincoln Community College - HVAC School Ranking
48. Copiah Lincoln Community College

Wesson, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Pearl River Community College - HVAC School Ranking
49. Pearl River Community College

Poplarville, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

Hinds Community College - HVAC School Ranking
50. Hinds Community College

Raymond, MS, 2 HVAC maintenance programs

HVAC maintenance schools in the South by state:

Schools by State8 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Alabama15 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Arkansas1 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Delaware44 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Florida25 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Georgia16 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Kentucky17 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Louisiana4 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Maryland13 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Mississippi36 HVAC Maintenance Schools in North Carolina22 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Oklahoma9 HVAC Maintenance Schools in South Carolina24 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Tennessee31 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Texas17 HVAC Maintenance Schools in Virginia8 HVAC Maintenance Schools in West Virginia

HVAC maintenance schools in other regions:

Midwest: 125 schools
Northeast: 57 schools
Northwest: 21 schools
West: 66 schools

Popular HVAC school cities in the South:

in Alabama:
Gadsden: 1 school
Mobile: 3 schools
in Arkansas:
Russellville: 1 school
in Florida:
Boynton Beach: 1 school
Coconut Creek: 1 school
Hialeah: 2 schools
Hollywood: 1 school
Jacksonville: 3 schools
Lake Worth: 1 school
Lauderdale Lakes: 1 school
Margate: 1 school
Miami: 6 schools
Orlando: 3 schools
Pembroke Pines: 1 school
Port Saint Lucie: 1 school
Tampa: 4 schools
West Palm Beach: 2 schools
in Georgia:
Chamblee: 1 school
Lawrenceville: 1 school
Marietta: 2 schools
Norcross: 1 school
Smyrna: 1 school
in Kentucky:
Bowling Green: 1 school
Lexington: 1 school
Maysville: 1 school
in Louisiana:
Alexandria: 1 school
Baton Rouge: 4 schools
Lafayette: 3 schools
Minden: 1 school
New Orleans: 1 school
Shreveport: 1 school
in Maryland:
Baltimore: 3 schools
Columbia: 1 school
in Mississippi:
Horn Lake: 1 school
Raymond: 1 school
in North Carolina:
Raleigh: 2 schools
Smithfield: 1 school
in Oklahoma:
McAlester: 1 school
Muskogee: 1 school
Oklahoma City: 1 school
Okmulgee: 2 schools
Tulsa: 2 schools
in Puerto Rico:
Bayamon: 3 schools
Caguas: 4 schools
Manati: 2 schools
Ponce: 2 schools
San Juan: 2 schools
in South Carolina:
Columbia: 2 schools
Greenville: 1 school
in Tennessee:
Dickson: 1 school
Knoxville: 2 schools
Memphis: 3 schools
Nashville: 2 schools
in Texas:
Austin: 2 schools
Beaumont: 1 school
Corpus Christi: 2 schools
Dallas: 2 schools
El Paso: 2 schools
Fort Worth: 2 schools
Gainesville: 1 school
Grand Prairie: 1 school
Harlingen: 1 school
Houston: 6 schools
McKinney: 1 school
Pasadena: 2 schools
San Antonio: 4 schools
Texarkana: 1 school
The Woodlands: 1 school
Tyler: 1 school
Waco: 1 school
in Virginia:
Annandale: 1 school
Newport News: 1 school
Norfolk: 3 schools
Richmond: 2 schools
Virginia Beach: 2 schools © 2024 · Home · Terms of Use · Methodology